- Otterhound Club of America 2011
Nationals Combined VST, TD and TDX Tracking Tests
September 8, 2011
Welcome Otterhound Fans |
Welcome to Oregon |
Congratulations To:
New Otterhound VST |
- Wild West Batman Ott’R Find It TDX
- Robin and Nancy Gruenwald
New Otterhound TD |
- Mystic Hill Buddy Murry
- Brian and Diana Barron
Test Information - Otterhounds only - Contact Test
Chair/Secretary - Joseph Gonyeau (ohca@klickitat.org)
- VST Test (Event 2011193506) - Lane Community College 4000 East 30th
Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405. 6AM VST Test Track Draw.
- TD (Event 2011193507) and TDX
(Event 2011193508) Tests - Bear Creek Pheasant Farm 93710
Territorial Road, Junction City, OR 97448. 9AM TD and TDX Test Track Draw.
- Premium List
- - - - Judges
Program - - - -
- - - - Pass Rates:
VST (1/1) - TDX (0/2) - TD (1/2)
- Sample Tracks - - - - VST
- - - - TDX - - - -
- Pictures from the Test
Maps and
Current Status
- 2 TD, 2 TDX, and 1 VST
- Judges' Program available on
this website and distributed to entrants and AKC.
- Time and Location of VST track draw (6AM @ Parking Lot K,
Lane Community College) - TD and TDX track draws (9AM @ Bear Creek Pheasant
- Results reported (To come after September 8))
Breed and AKC Tracking Test Information
Friday September 09, 2011